Thursday, July 3, 2008

"Aha" Moments

I truly can't believe how confident I am now with new technology. I can actually have conversations with people about computer-related tools and applications. The article, "Don't Be Afraid to Explore Web 2.0", by John Thompson, was NOT like reading Greek - I could identify with all the technologies he addressed. Blogs, wikis, Google Docs,, Bloglines, and so on, are part of my vocabulary and more importantly, I feel comfortable teaching with them. I'm not going to say that I haven't been frustrated a time or two...or three; for instance when Photobucket wouldn't upload my slide show and when I spent four hours trying to navigate Wetpaint, I was a feeling a bit of tension and my keyboard was too. I have, though, worked through most of the kinks and feel successful with my artifacts. (I'm still trying to tackle Wetpaint because I don't like loose ends!)
My "Aha" moments are endless. Just to name a few:
  • Windows Movie Maker is so simple. This was my first time to use it and I'm just hoping people will send me photos so I can make slide shows.
  • Blogs are fun - bottom line. You can talk about anything and someone out there will read it eventually.
  • Social bookmarking is pure genius. I can't count the times I've needed a link at school, only to realize I had saved it at home.
  • Always check the validity of sites you allow your fifth graders to navigate. Thank You, MAPit!
Every moment of exploration in class and on my home computer was a learning experience. I walked into ETEC 524 with very little background knowledge, but I'm walking away with a variety of strategies that will improve my instruction and confidence to share what I know with my colleagues.