Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Goals

This is my first Masters class in pursuit of a degree in Educational Technology. I have been out of school for eight years so I have a few adjustments to make in time-management! My life is busy; I have three children, ages eleven, five, and two, I teach fifth grade, and I help manage my husband's cattle and farming business. I selected this course in order to collate the technology skills I possess, as well as learn new ideas to incorporate into my classroom. Technology was never my first choice, but I was intrigued by the possibilities it could offer after completing a grant program through Region 10 last year. The TaRGET American History Institute involved seminars in history, law-related education, and primary sources. Each participant created an internet-based resource for teachers covering a topic in American History. I was able to connect the information I found in the National Archives and Library of Congress with online activities to use in class. What I learned in the program was just the tip of the iceberg. I would like to use more tools, especially in my history class, to enliven the curriculum. My school, A.C. Williams, is an older building and has limited technological capabilities, so I currently use UnitedStreaming, slideshows, and audio files in my lessons. This will change when the new A.C. Williams is completed in 2009. I plan to have completed more Masters classes so I can be ready to share the information with my colleagues.
In the future, I plan to use what I've learned about technology and apply it at the high school and/or college level. I feel that agricultural education and other career-based courses are a vital component of the high school curriculum. Many rural schools have good programs in place, but lack the technology piece to appropriately prepare students for their career. Perhaps somewhere along the way, I may even engage my husband in a few technology classes to aid in his business!